
We’re Tony Burgess and Julie French, the founding Directors of Academy of High Achievers Ltd. We specialise in helping people develop both personally and professionally.

Have you ever felt that you or those around you have far more potential than is currently being expressed?

Most people are only just scratching the surface of their true potential. Every person is born with a unique capacity to be a high achiever and yet many have not even got to a point of believing that of themselves let alone got around to living and breathing it.


We’re Tony Burgess and Julie French, the founding Directors of Academy of High Achievers Ltd. We specialise in helping people develop both personally and professionally.

Have you ever felt that you or those around you have far more potential than is currently being expressed?

Most people are only just scratching the surface of their true potential. Every person is born with a unique capacity to be a high achiever and yet many have not even got to a point of believing that of themselves let alone got around to living and breathing it.


We’re Tony Burgess and Julie French, the founding Directors of Academy of High Achievers Ltd. We specialise in helping people develop both personally and professionally.

Have you ever felt that you or those around you have far more potential than is currently being expressed?

Most people are only just scratching the surface of their true potential. Every person is born with a unique capacity to be a high achiever and yet many have not even got to a point of believing that of themselves let alone got around to living and breathing it.

Of course, being a high achiever will mean different things to different people.

For some, it is about being first, exceeding expectations or getting the best results.

For others, it is about mastery of personal growth and development – becoming more wise, resilient and enlightened.

For many, it is about influencing or inspiring others.

For most, it is also about making a positive difference in the world

Whatever being a high achiever means to you, we can help you to live it!

We can help you …

  • Get into the driving seat of your life

  • Live more on purpose

  • Dig deep to get through challenging times

  • Develop more helpful beliefs, attitude and self-concept

  • Connect with and influence others more effectively

  • Harness the value that different people bring to the world

  • Taylor your communications to different people

  • Develop greater personal resilience

  • Recognise the greater potential within you

  • Get out of your own way

  • Lead, empower and inspire others

  • Access and implement solutions

  • Enjoy your life to the full

  • Tap into your greatest talents and capabilities

  • Draw upon your greatest values to inspire your actions

  • Expand your confort zone

Our experience and expertise can be applied to help you (and your team) reach your full potential in 3 main categories:

Building your resilience and increasing well-being

Helping you progress towards your goals with momentum

Adding to your knowledge, skills and tools as a professional people-developer

Contact Us

Please feel happy to contact us to ask about any of our products and services in more detail.

We look forward to welcoming your enquiries.

Get in Touch

Tony Burgess and Julie French are Directors of Academy of High Achievers Ltd

Contact Details

Email: info@aha-success.com
Tel: +44 (0)800 2982 614
Tony Burgess mobile: +44(0)7989 469 570
Julie French mobile: +44(0)7989 991 056