Belief Change

Belief Change Practitioner Certification training – For coaches, therapists and other people-development professionals

Normally we run this training across two half-days online via Zoom meetings, although we have also run this programme many times as a full-day training in-person.

We do not currently have dates for an open training programme that you could join as an individual, but we would be happy to run a training for a group of six or more people if you would like to bring a group together.

You can contact Tony by email to arrange a time to chat about this option.

This training is for you to step up your Belief Change skills – become a ‘Belief Change Practitioner’ and learn a powerful process that leads to rapid, lasting, authentic belief change … for good!

Includes Certification for approved use of the French-Burgess 6-Step Belief Change Process and our associated model, handouts and materials in your own coaching or training.


We’re Tony Burgess and Julie French, partners in business and in life. That’s us in the photo. Together we are co-founders and Directors of the Academy of High Achievers Ltd

We’re experienced in professional speaking, training, coaching and therapy work. We’re passionate about helping people and supporting others to help more people!

Belief change and belief alignment is a key specialism we have developed over many years and this work continues to positively impact upon all of our day-to-day roles in life and in business. We live and breathe our message and we are on a mission to help as many people as we can with the powerful tools that we have developed.

We hope that you too will choose to add our powerful method to your existing toolbox, as it will blend beautifully with so many other change and development tools. Our method will enhance the ultimate effectiveness of your current tools by aligning a deep layer of the very mental structures that shape a person’s world: Beliefs!

People believe their own beliefs!

This can be empowering or it can be debilitating.

It affects everything! At least a part of you already knows that the consequences can be far-reaching.

Beliefs have the power to open up the gates on your magnificent inner resources or they can block the flow of those same resources so it seems like they hardly even exist.


“I have spent an enjoyable day in an excellent learning environment. Tony & Julie have created an elegant process that powerfully changes the things that are most likely to hold people back. I would recommend it very happily”

“I loved the content, your training style and harmony. The training was run with such ease and in a really pleasurable learning environment. Thank you so much for everything.”

“I loved this course. It was full of growth and positivity. I can use this personally and professionally. Tony and Julie are extememely generous with materials you can use with your own clients after you leave. Superb! Thank you!”

“Absolutely loved this day … it has been stimulating, inspiring, challenging and yet fun. A truly liberating experience and one which reaffirms that change is possible and can be instant. Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful and nurturing environment – you were both such great leaders and hosts.”

“What a fantastic course. Teaching through personal experience really brings the content to life. Can’t wait to put this into practice”

“I found the day to be a very empowering and inspiring training event, delivered by Tony and Julie in a very relaxed, calm and enjoyable environment. The programme was excellently delivered with ease and passion and all delegates were supported and encouraged to take an active role in their learning. Thank you. I look forward to working with you both again in the future and I wholeheartedly recommend the whole experience”

This certification programme prepares you to go out into the world and immediately use this highly practical belief-change process – a methodology that helps people to ‘get out of their own way’ and really thrive by aligning powerful beliefs with desired goals and outcomes.

Beliefs can be the difference between failure and success, happiness and unhappiness, between being stuck or thriving in your endeavours. They can nourish or destroy relationships, they can interfere with or accelerate progress, they can be the difference between simply existing and living your dreams!

Effective belief change matters!

Success literature is full of references to the role that belief plays in personal and professional achievement and fulfillment. A consistent message is that if you want to achieve what you want in life, you have to believe!

It is remarkable that so few of these references go on to offer even a hint of ‘how to’ get beliefs in place that support such successful outcomes.

Of course all is well if you already have all your beliefs constantly aligned with achieving your outcomes. It is fine to not know about belief change just as long as none of your clients are pushing themselves out of their comfort zones, setting themselves stretching goals or experiencing any doubts or uncertainties.

The truth is that what most people experience out there in the world is far from the kind of consistent empowered belief-set that would best serve them on their personal and professional life journeys. And worse than that, most people don’t have any idea where to start to positively change or align their beliefs with what they want to achieve. Why would they? They weren’t trained how to do so at school. They weren’t trained how to do so by their parents. They weren’t prepared for it in their career development. And even in the personal development and success literature there is a noticeable gap in this area.

Just saying “You’ve got to believe” is simply not enough for people. If believing is so important then people will need to know how!

Your clients need to know how to get their beliefs back on track when they set themselves a challenging goal or find themselves in unfamiliar territory or they start to experience some doubt and anxiety about their ambitions or their own resourcefulness and self-worth.

Our ‘Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System’ has been developed through years of working with real clients, through modelling and reinforcing what has worked best, tweaking and honing the steps for ease of explanation and application which in turn has led to increasingly powerful results along the way.

We’ve already taught this method to thousands of people and we have been delighted by the stories that have filtered back to us on how it has been used to enhance lives and how it has unlocked personal performance. We are now looking to really step up this positive ‘ripple effect’ by increasing our number of certified practitioners in this carefully-crafted and widely tested empowerment system.


“I just wanted to say how much I have learned from you Guys and how powerful the tools that you have taught me are.

As a Business Coach I know that that people can easily discover the skills that they need to grow their Businesses and achieve their goals (through books, audio, seminars, internet etc).

What often stops them from applying these skills is their limiting belief patterns.

Your Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System is great. Simple tools that allow me to help my clients change their limiting beliefs and create more powerful beliefs.

I can do this quickly and easily with them which then allows them to apply the skills and strategies they need to make more money, free up their time and achieve the lifestyle that they choose.

The more people you can share these models with, the more we can all help others achieve what they deserve.

I hope this inspires others to learn from you and Julie as you are true masters of your profession.”

Andy Gwynn

Business Growth Specialist, Sales and Marketing Expert, Professional Speaker and Property Investor


“Absolutely loved this day … it has been stimulating, inspiring, challenging and yet fun. A truly liberating experience and one which reaffirms that change is possible and can be instant. Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful and nurturing environment – you were both such great leaders and hosts.”

“I have spent an enjoyable day in an excellent learning environment. Tony & Julie have created an elegant process that powerfully changes the things that are most likely to hold people back. I would recommend it very happily”

“I loved the content, your training style and harmony. The training was run with such ease and in a really pleasurable learning environment. Thank you so much for everything.”

“I loved this course. It was full of growth and positivity. I can use this personally and professionally. Tony and Julie are extememely generous with materials you can use with your own clients after you leave. Superb! Thank you!”

“What a fantastic course. Teaching through personal experience really brings the content to life. Can’t wait to put this into practice”

Who will benefit from becoming a Certified Practitioner?

Those who can benefit from becoming Certified Practitioners in our Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System include…

  • Coaches (including Life, Business, Performance & Confidence Coaches) and other professionals who use Coaching approaches
  • NLP Practitioners
  • Trainers
  • Therapists
  • Consultants who get involved in any form of ‘people development’ projects
  • Voice Coaches
  • Personal Fitness trainers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Youth Workers
  • Team Builders and Team Developers
  • Sports Coaches

…. and other faciliators of change, development and performance

Who will benefit from becoming a Certified Practitioner?

Those who can benefit from becoming Certified Practitioners in our Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System include…

  • Coaches (including Life, Business, Performance & Confidence Coaches) and other professionals who use Coaching approaches
  • NLP Practitioners
  • Trainers
  • Therapists
  • Consultants who get involved in any form of ‘people development’ projects
  • Voice Coaches
  • Personal Fitness trainers
  • Physiotherapists
  • Youth Workers
  • Team Builders and Team Developers
  • Sports Coaches

…. and other faciliators of change, development and performance

What will I get on the certification training?

You will leave with a firm grasp on the theoretical model upon which the system stands, allowing you to fully appreciate and explain how belief alignment needs to be a crucial part of attaining any personal or professional goal or outcome.

You’ll fully appreciate how you can easily and effectively apply our powerful ‘6 Step Belief Change Process’ to help people to ‘get out of their own way’ and then ‘smooth the way’ to goal and outcome achievement. You’ll have been taught the steps, discussed with us the creative ways you can apply each step with your clients and you’ll have experienced the power of each step for yourself.

You’ll have directly benefited from working on aligning your own beliefs to one of your own goals or desired outcomes. This will give you the confidence through personal experience that the Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System works effectively and powerfully.

You’ll leave with certification as an Academy of High Achievers approved Belief Change Practitioner, which means that you can use our methods plus any associated copyrighted materials within your change work (including handouts, worksheets, Belief Gates Model and our e-book) on an ongoing basis with our full approval.

Plus of course our full support, attention and feedback throughout the training experience and beyond …

What about after I’ve completed the training?

After the training we will make ourselves available for any personal check-in calls for any follow-on support you may wish to access relating to continuing to use any aspects of the ‘Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System’. There’s nothing we love more than to know that you are making a positive difference with this system, so we will continue to support you when you need it – you just have to ask!


“I have used the Six Step Belief Change System on myself, other individuals and in team situations. I particularly endorse the flexibility the system allows in that you can move backwards and forwards – and even sideways! – through the various steps as each situation presents its own challenges. The benefit of having the system to refer to ensures an holistic approach which smoothes the journey towards the desired change. The structure also makes it easy for people to revisit any particularly useful and powerful step if they should need to and pick up progress from there. I wholeheartedly recommend the French-Burgess system as a genuine, powerful, effective and valuable tool for your coaching toolbox.”

“I have used the 6 step belief change process extensively in my one-to-one coaching and have achieved great results with it. Just recently I have used it to explore a client’s beliefs about their ability to present confidently in meetings and for another client, on their beliefs about their interpersonal skills and ability to build relationships. It really does allow individuals to unlock, often deeply held beliefs about themselves that are getting in the way of the results they want. The final steps ensure the shifts are sustained over time and put into action. It is a highly effective, robust framework for personal development”

“Thank you Tony and Julie for providing such a wonderful environment in which to learn. The content of the course was superb and the opportunity to practice in the break-out sessions is a really valuable way of learning. For me the course was genuinely transformational and I look forward to sharing this amazing process with my clients. The way in which you interact with the group is fantastic – helping to get the best out of people in a friendly and supportive way. I look forward to joining you again soon for further learning.”

“Wow! What an amazing day. It’s been fun, powerful and memorable. The French-Burgess Belief Gates Personal Empowerment System is deceptively simple and hugely empowering. I know this is going to be a tool I use again and again – for my own benefit and for the benefit of others. We’ve been able to see positive changes happen throughout the day. Powerful on both personal and professional levels. Thank you Tony & Julie – this is remarkable!”

“Having a defined process to enable someone to challenge their inner thoughts is very powerful. We use the belief change system as part of our process when helping people manage change in their business life. A successful and positive conclusion is always gained & this is for the betterment of the individual and the business”

Get in touch to secure a training for your group

To have an exploratory chat with Tony Burgess about booking a training for your group, please email Tony here

We look forward to hearing from you.