Belief Change Book

Buy the Book: ‘Beliefs and How to Change Them … For Good’ on Amazon or download a pdf e-version for free

This book is ideal for coaches, trainers, therapists and a wide range of other professionals involved in helping people to release more of their potential. Belief change is at the heart of facilitating human progress and this book provides a powerful and easy-to-apply system for facilitating authentic belief shifts.

You can also benefit hugely from applying the approach captured in this book to support your own personal and professional development journeys – to help you to ‘get out of your own way’ so that your inner potential and resourcefulness flows more fully. Achieve and experience more of what you want, more easily, more effectively and more consistently!

“Thank you… The best book I have EVER bought!”

Yvette Puliga, Unlimited People Coaching

“I personally recommend this book!! I have studied NLP at many levels, read some masterful works, trained in such belief change mechanisms, but I was well and truly blown away by Tony’s book “Beliefs and how to change them for good”. It’s rare I will actually sit with such a book and work through it following the exercises. I sure did with this one!! Easy to read, simple to understand, profound in its ability to perform what it claims! Thanks for your efforts Tony!!”

Michael James Rochester
Harmonic Response Coach, NLP Practitioner, Visionary Coach & Education Project Facilitator.

For most people, both the paperback and kindle versions of the book are most easily and cost-effectively purchased on Amazon

If for any reason you do not have access to Amazon, or you would like to buy a signed copy from us directly, or you’d like to explore the best way to buy 10 or more copies of the paperback version of our book, please contact us

A gift from us to you!

If you would like a FREE pdf file e-version of the book as a gift from us to you, please click the link: Beliefs book (pdf e-version)

Do let us know about your successes as you apply what you read! Thank you!

Warmest wishes

Tony & Julie

For information about training to become a qualified ‘Belief Change Practitioner’