Fire Walking

Plus glass walking and arrow snapping

Fire walking events can offer an ‘out of comfort zone’ challenge that can serve as a metaphor for dealing with challenges in business or in life.

Fire walking events are also often booked as charity fundraising events.

What is a Fire walk?

It is walking across a bed of red hot embers, barefoot

Why Fire walk?

Why walk on a bed of red hot embers?

For many people, successfully completing an activity that appears impossible has a real ‘wow’ factor. Fire walking can serve as a metaphor for achievement in business or in life, stretching the boundaries of your comfort zone, challenging your beliefs, facing your fears, listening to your inner guidance, crossing into a new chapter of your career or life. Many people experience an ‘Aha!’ moment – “If I can do this, what else can I achieve?”

Firewalking can be such a great way to make lots of money for charity. Usually thousands of pounds are made in one event, even with a small number of people!

Please call Tony Burgess +44(0)7989 469 570 to find out more about our fire walking seminars

We run fire walking seminars for groups and charities. Firewalking can be done in all weathers ….even snowy conditions

Your Fire walk Instructors – Tony Burgess and Julie French

In addition, we offer other challenges within events, including walking on broken glass and snapping archery arrows on the throat.

Feel happy to call Tony Burgess to discuss any of these activities in more detail: +44(0)7989 469 570 or alternatively you can email us